Special Needs Partnership Resources
Jewish Programs & Resources
Program: Inclusion Initiative Including: - Learning Center - Automatic doors for the front entrances as well as for some bathrooms - Bathroom modifications to comply with ADA standards - Bannisters to access the bimah - A front entrance ramp for mobility-challenged members - An annual Inclusion Shabbat - Sound system improvements in the sanctuary - Welcoming residents of CHAI to our programming - The loop and loop listeners - Streaming of services - Education programming regarding needs and challenges - Designated seating for High Holidays - Financial support for our religious school - Making wheelchairs and other devices available for on-site use and for borrowing - Kiddush luncheon offerings are identified and provided with allergies in mind - Large print prayer books are available for Shabbat services - Caregiver’s support group - Grief support group in the process of being established Ages: All ages Esther Miller esthercmiller@aol.com 334-221-2219
B'Yachad 1x month, Respite care
Ages: B-18, Adult to come
Shira D. Stevenson
Inclusion Program: An Inclusion Program to support individuals with special needs and their families, ensuring they feel welcome and included in all aspects of synagogue life.
For more Information, contact:
Cynthia Yungman
Director of Inclusion and Support Services
214-706-0000 cyungman@tedallas.org
Programs: Assistive Listening System in sanctuary, Accessible gardening program, Programming with CHAI
Religious Schools & Day Schools
Program: Accommodations in the Religious School
Ages: Kg-6th
Rabbi Kushnick
Program: Kesher
Support for children in religious school
​Ages: 5-18, Adult
Sarah Lipinsky
Program: Ma’alot
Dyslexia Intervention Therapy
Academic Support Period
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Behavior Support
Paula Winslow, K-5 Ma'alot Coordinator
Bonnie Atkins, 6-8 Coordinator
​Program: Lomdim
Supports children in religious school K-12th Grade
Tailored learning experiences to meet the needs of every Jewish child
Self-contained classes
One-on-one shadows
Learning accommodations
Recreational & Social
Dedicated to helping children and young adults with special needs to become more fully integrated into the broader community.
Leah Dubrawsky, Director and Program Coordinator
A program from the Aaron Family JCC designed to connect individuals of all ages within the Dallas Jewish community. It offers a variety of groups that focus on building relationships and fostering a sense of belonging.
For more information, visit
Provides families with support, education, mentorship, and assistance in navigating state agency requirements. It fosters long-term relationships among families of CHAI residents/clients. Quarterly meetings are held, offering education and support. Annual membership is $50.00.
For more information, contact:
Candace Carroll-Johnson, Director of Programs and Services
214-373-8600 ccarroll@chaidallas.org
Other Programs & Resources
Program: Belong Disability Ministry
Adaptive, inclusive community at Highland Park United Methodist Church for people of all abilities, ages, and faiths
All programs at no cost to participants and their families
Liz Irwin, Belong Disability Respite & Resource Coordinator
Carla Aubrey, Belong Disability Programs Coordinator
A website offering free resources for parents, students, and school personnel dealing with anxiety.